Fluid structure interaction suite
assemble_nitsche_with_exact_intersections.h File Reference
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template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename Matrix >
void dealii::NonMatching::assemble_nitsche_with_exact_intersections (const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &, Matrix &matrix, const AffineConstraints< typename Matrix::value_type > &, const ComponentMask &, const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &, const Function< spacedim, typename Matrix::value_type > &nitsche_coefficient=Functions::ConstantFunction< spacedim >(1.0), const double penalty=1.)
 Given two non-matching, overlapping grids, this function computes the local contributions \(\)M_{ij}:= \int_B \gamma v_i v_j dx \(\) exactly, by integrating on the intersection of the two grids. More...