Fluid structure interaction suite
dealii::NonMatching Namespace Reference


template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename Matrix >
void assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections (const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &, const DoFHandler< dim1, spacedim > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &, Matrix &matrix, const AffineConstraints< typename Matrix::value_type > &, const ComponentMask &, const ComponentMask &, const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &, const Mapping< dim1, spacedim > &, const AffineConstraints< typename Matrix::value_type > &)
 Create the coupling mass matrix for non-matching, overlapping grids in an "exact" way, i.e. More...
template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename Matrix >
void assemble_nitsche_with_exact_intersections (const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &, Matrix &matrix, const AffineConstraints< typename Matrix::value_type > &, const ComponentMask &, const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &, const Function< spacedim, typename Matrix::value_type > &nitsche_coefficient=Functions::ConstantFunction< spacedim >(1.0), const double penalty=1.)
 Given two non-matching, overlapping grids, this function computes the local contributions \(\)M_{ij}:= \int_B \gamma v_i v_j dx \(\) exactly, by integrating on the intersection of the two grids. More...
template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim>
Quadrature< spacedim > compute_intersection (const typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator &cell0, const typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator &cell1, const unsigned int degree, const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &mapping0=(ReferenceCells::get_hypercube< dim0 >() .template get_default_linear_mapping< dim0, spacedim >()), const Mapping< dim1, spacedim > &mapping1=(ReferenceCells::get_hypercube< dim1 >() .template get_default_linear_mapping< dim1, spacedim >()))
 Intersect cell0 and cell1 and construct a Quadrature<spacedim> of degree degreeover the intersection, i.e. More...
template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim>
std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim > > > compute_intersection (const GridTools::Cache< dim0, spacedim > &space_cache, const GridTools::Cache< dim1, spacedim > &immersed_cache, const unsigned int degree, const double tol=0.)
 Given two triangulations cached inside GridTools::Cache objects, compute all intersections between the two and return a vector where each entry is a tuple containing iterators to the respective cells and a Quadrature<spacedim> formula to integrate over the intersection. More...
template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename Sparsity , typename number = double>
void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections (const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &intersections_info, const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &space_dh, const DoFHandler< dim1, spacedim > &immersed_dh, Sparsity &sparsity, const AffineConstraints< number > &constraints=AffineConstraints< number >(), const ComponentMask &space_comps=ComponentMask(), const ComponentMask &immersed_comps=ComponentMask(), const AffineConstraints< number > &immersed_constraints=AffineConstraints< number >())
 Create a coupling sparsity pattern of two non-matching, overlapped grids. More...
template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename VectorType >
void create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections (const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &, VectorType &vector, const AffineConstraints< typename VectorType::value_type > &, const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &, const Function< spacedim, typename VectorType::value_type > &, const Function< spacedim, typename VectorType::value_type > &, const double penalty=1.)
 Create the r.h.s. More...
template void assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections (const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &, const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &, SparseMatrix< double > &, const AffineConstraints< typename SparseMatrix< double >::value_type > &, const ComponentMask &, const ComponentMask &, const Mapping< 3, 3 > &space_mapping, const Mapping< 3, 3 > &immersed_mapping, const AffineConstraints< typename SparseMatrix< double >::value_type > &)
template void NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix > (DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, DoFHandler< 1, 2 > const &, std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix &, AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, Mapping< 2, 2 > const &, Mapping< 1, 2 > const &, AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &)
template void NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix > (DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix &, AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, Mapping< 2, 2 > const &, Mapping< 2, 2 > const &, AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &)
template void NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix > (DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 2, 3 > const &, std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix &, AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, Mapping< 3, 3 > const &, Mapping< 2, 3 > const &, AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &)
template void NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix > (DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix &, AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, Mapping< 3, 3 > const &, Mapping< 3, 3 > const &, AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &)
template void NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix > (DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, DoFHandler< 1, 2 > const &, std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix &, AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, Mapping< 2, 2 > const &, Mapping< 1, 2 > const &, AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &)
template void NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix > (DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix &, AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, Mapping< 2, 2 > const &, Mapping< 2, 2 > const &, AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &)
template void NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix > (DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 2, 3 > const &, std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix &, AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, Mapping< 3, 3 > const &, Mapping< 2, 3 > const &, AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &)
template void NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix > (DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix &, AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, Mapping< 3, 3 > const &, Mapping< 3, 3 > const &, AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &)
template Quadrature< 1 > compute_cell_intersection (const Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator &, const Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator &, const unsigned int, const Mapping< 1, 1 > &, const Mapping< 1, 1 > &, const double)
template Quadrature< 2 > compute_cell_intersection (const Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator &, const Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator &, const unsigned int, const Mapping< 2, 2 > &, const Mapping< 1, 2 > &, const double)
template Quadrature< 2 > compute_cell_intersection (const Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator &, const Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator &, const unsigned int, const Mapping< 2, 2 > &, const Mapping< 2, 2 > &, const double)
template Quadrature< 3 > compute_cell_intersection (const Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator &, const Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator &, const unsigned int, const Mapping< 3, 3 > &, const Mapping< 2, 3 > &, const double)
template Quadrature< 3 > compute_cell_intersection (const Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator &, const Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator &, const unsigned int, const Mapping< 3, 3 > &, const Mapping< 3, 3 > &, const double)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections (const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 1 >>> &intersections_info, const DoFHandler< 1, 1 > &space_dh, const DoFHandler< 1, 1 > &immersed_dh, DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const ComponentMask &space_comps, const ComponentMask &immersed_comps, const AffineConstraints< double > &immersed_constraint)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections (const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>> &intersections_info, const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &space_dh, const DoFHandler< 1, 2 > &immersed_dh, DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const ComponentMask &space_comps, const ComponentMask &immersed_comps, const AffineConstraints< double > &immersed_constraint)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections (const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 1, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &intersections_info, const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &space_dh, const DoFHandler< 1, 3 > &immersed_dh, DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const ComponentMask &space_comps, const ComponentMask &immersed_comps, const AffineConstraints< double > &immersed_constraint)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections (const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>> &intersections_info, const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &space_dh, const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &immersed_dh, DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const ComponentMask &space_comps, const ComponentMask &immersed_comps, const AffineConstraints< double > &immersed_constraint)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections (const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &intersections_info, const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &space_dh, const DoFHandler< 2, 3 > &immersed_dh, DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const ComponentMask &space_comps, const ComponentMask &immersed_comps, const AffineConstraints< double > &immersed_constraint)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections (const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &intersections_info, const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &space_dh, const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &immersed_dh, DynamicSparsityPattern &sparsity, const AffineConstraints< double > &constraints, const ComponentMask &space_comps, const ComponentMask &immersed_comps, const AffineConstraints< double > &immersed_constraint)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, DoFHandler< 1, 2 > const &, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 2, 3 > const &, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 2, 3 > const &, SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 1, 1, 1, SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 1 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 1 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 1, 1 > const &, DoFHandler< 1, 1 > const &, SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 1, 3, SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 1, 3 > const &, SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &, DoFHandler< 1, 2 > const &, SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, SparsityPattern, double > (std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &, SparsityPattern &, AffineConstraints< double > const &, ComponentMask const &, ComponentMask const &, AffineConstraints< double > const &)
template void create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2 > (const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>> &, Vector< double > &vector, const AffineConstraints< double > &, const Mapping< 2, 2 > &, const Function< 2, double > &, const Function< 2, double > &, const double)
template void create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2 > (const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>> &, Vector< double > &vector, const AffineConstraints< double > &, const Mapping< 2, 2 > &, const Function< 2, double > &, const Function< 2, double > &, const double)
template void create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3 > (const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &, Vector< double > &vector, const AffineConstraints< double > &, const Mapping< 3, 3 > &, const Function< 3, double > &, const Function< 3, double > &, const double)
template void create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3 > (const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &, const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &, Vector< double > &vector, const AffineConstraints< double > &, const Mapping< 3, 3 > &, const Function< 3, double > &, const Function< 3, double > &, const double)

Function Documentation

◆ assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections() [1/2]

template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename Matrix >
void dealii::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections ( const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &  ,
const DoFHandler< dim1, spacedim > &  ,
const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &  ,
Matrix &  matrix,
const AffineConstraints< typename Matrix::value_type > &  ,
const ComponentMask ,
const ComponentMask ,
const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &  ,
const Mapping< dim1, spacedim > &  ,
const AffineConstraints< typename Matrix::value_type > &   

Create the coupling mass matrix for non-matching, overlapping grids in an "exact" way, i.e.

by computing the local contributions \(\)M_{ij}:= \int_B v_i w_j dx \(\) as products of cellwise smooth functions on the intersection of the two grids. This information is described by a std::vector<std::tuple>> where each tuple contains the two intersected cells and a Quadrature formula on their intersection.

Template Parameters
dim0Intrinsic dimension of the first, space grid
dim1Intrinsic dimension of the second, embedded space
spacedimAmbient space intrinsic dimension
MatrixMatrix type you wish to use

Definition at line 251 of file assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections.cc.

References Assert, and StandardExceptions::ExcMessage().

◆ assemble_nitsche_with_exact_intersections()

template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename Matrix >
void dealii::NonMatching::assemble_nitsche_with_exact_intersections ( const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &  ,
const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &  ,
Matrix &  matrix,
const AffineConstraints< typename Matrix::value_type > &  ,
const ComponentMask ,
const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &  ,
const Function< spacedim, typename Matrix::value_type > &  nitsche_coefficient = Functions::ConstantFunction< spacedim >(1.0),
const double  penalty = 1. 

Given two non-matching, overlapping grids, this function computes the local contributions \(\)M_{ij}:= \int_B \gamma v_i v_j dx \(\) exactly, by integrating on the intersection of the two grids.

There's no need to change the sparsity pattern, as the DoFs are all living on the same cell.

Template Parameters
dim0Intrinsic dimension of the first, space grid
dim1Intrinsic dimension of the second, embedded space
spacedimAmbient space intrinsic dimension
MatrixMatrix type you wish to use

◆ compute_intersection() [1/2]

template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim>
Quadrature< spacedim > dealii::NonMatching::compute_intersection ( const typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator &  cell0,
const typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator &  cell1,
const unsigned int  degree,
const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &  mapping0 = (ReferenceCells::get_hypercube<dim0>()           .template get_default_linear_mapping<dim0, spacedim>()),
const Mapping< dim1, spacedim > &  mapping1 = (ReferenceCells::get_hypercube<dim1>()           .template get_default_linear_mapping<dim1, spacedim>()) 

Intersect cell0 and cell1 and construct a Quadrature<spacedim> of degree degreeover the intersection, i.e.

in the real space. Mappings for both cells are inmapping0 andmapping1`, respectively.

Template Parameters
cell0A cell_iteratator to the first cell
cell1A cell_iteratator to the first cell
degreeThe degree of the Quadrature you want to build there
mapping0The Mapping object describing the first cell
mapping1The Mapping object describing the second cell

Definition at line 119 of file compute_intersections.cc.

References Assert, and StandardExceptions::ExcMessage().

◆ compute_intersection() [2/2]

template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim>
std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim > > > dealii::NonMatching::compute_intersection ( const GridTools::Cache< dim0, spacedim > &  space_cache,
const GridTools::Cache< dim1, spacedim > &  immersed_cache,
const unsigned int  degree,
const double  tol = 0. 

Given two triangulations cached inside GridTools::Cache objects, compute all intersections between the two and return a vector where each entry is a tuple containing iterators to the respective cells and a Quadrature<spacedim> formula to integrate over the intersection.

Template Parameters
dim0Intrinsic dimension of the immersed grid
dim1Intrinsic dimension of the ambient grid
degreeDegree of the desired quadrature formula
std::vector<std::tuple< typename Triangulation<dim0, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, typename Triangulation<dim1, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Quadrature<spacedim>>>

Definition at line 140 of file compute_intersections.cc.

References Assert, StandardExceptions::ExcMessage(), GridTools::Cache< int dim, int spacedim >::get_cell_bounding_boxes_rtree(), GridTools::Cache< int dim, int spacedim >::get_locally_owned_cell_bounding_boxes_rtree(), and GridTools::Cache< int dim, int spacedim >::get_mapping().

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections() [1/7]

template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename Sparsity , typename number = double>
void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections ( const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &  intersections_info,
const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &  space_dh,
const DoFHandler< dim1, spacedim > &  immersed_dh,
Sparsity &  sparsity,
const AffineConstraints< number > &  constraints = AffineConstraints<number>(),
const ComponentMask space_comps = ComponentMask(),
const ComponentMask immersed_comps = ComponentMask(),
const AffineConstraints< number > &  immersed_constraints = AffineConstraints<number>() 

Create a coupling sparsity pattern of two non-matching, overlapped grids.

As it relies on compute_intersection, the "small" intersections do not enter in the sparsity pattern.

intersections_infoA vector of tuples where the i-th entry contains two active_cell_iterators to the intersected cells
space_dhDoFHandler object for the space grid
immersed_dhDoFHandler object for the embedded grid
sparsityThe sparsity pattern to be filled
constraintsAffineConstraints for the space grid
space_compsMask for the space space components of the finite element
immersed_compsMask for the embedded components of the finite element
immersed_constraintsAffineConstraints for the embedded grid

Definition at line 194 of file create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections.cc.

References Assert, and StandardExceptions::ExcMessage().

◆ create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections()

template<int dim0, int dim1, int spacedim, typename VectorType >
void dealii::NonMatching::create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections ( const DoFHandler< dim0, spacedim > &  space_dh,
const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< dim0, spacedim >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< dim1, spacedim >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< spacedim >>> &  cells_and_quads,
VectorType &  vector,
const AffineConstraints< typename VectorType::value_type > &  space_constraints,
const Mapping< dim0, spacedim > &  space_mapping,
const Function< spacedim, typename VectorType::value_type > &  rhs_function,
const Function< spacedim, typename VectorType::value_type > &  coefficient,
const double  penalty = 1. 

◆ assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections() [2/2]

template void dealii::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections ( const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &  ,
const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &  ,
const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &  ,
SparseMatrix< double > &  ,
const AffineConstraints< typename SparseMatrix< double >::value_type > &  ,
const ComponentMask ,
const ComponentMask ,
const Mapping< 3, 3 > &  space_mapping,
const Mapping< 3, 3 > &  immersed_mapping,
const AffineConstraints< typename SparseMatrix< double >::value_type > &   

◆ NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix > ( DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 1, 2 > const &  ,
std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &  ,
TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix ,
AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
Mapping< 2, 2 > const &  ,
Mapping< 1, 2 > const &  ,
AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &   

◆ NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix > ( DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &  ,
TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix ,
AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
Mapping< 2, 2 > const &  ,
Mapping< 2, 2 > const &  ,
AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &   

◆ NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix > ( DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 3 > const &  ,
std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix ,
AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
Mapping< 3, 3 > const &  ,
Mapping< 2, 3 > const &  ,
AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &   

◆ NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix > ( DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix ,
AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
Mapping< 3, 3 > const &  ,
Mapping< 3, 3 > const &  ,
AffineConstraints< TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &   

◆ NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix > ( DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 1, 2 > const &  ,
std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &  ,
PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix ,
AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
Mapping< 2, 2 > const &  ,
Mapping< 1, 2 > const &  ,
AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &   

◆ NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix > ( DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &  ,
PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix ,
AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
Mapping< 2, 2 > const &  ,
Mapping< 2, 2 > const &  ,
AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &   

◆ NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix > ( DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 3 > const &  ,
std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix ,
AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
Mapping< 3, 3 > const &  ,
Mapping< 2, 3 > const &  ,
AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &   

◆ NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::NonMatching::assemble_coupling_mass_matrix_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix > ( DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix ,
AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
Mapping< 3, 3 > const &  ,
Mapping< 3, 3 > const &  ,
AffineConstraints< PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix::value_type > const &   

◆ compute_cell_intersection() [1/5]

template Quadrature<1> dealii::NonMatching::compute_cell_intersection ( const Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const unsigned int  ,
const Mapping< 1, 1 > &  ,
const Mapping< 1, 1 > &  ,
const double   

◆ compute_cell_intersection() [2/5]

template Quadrature<2> dealii::NonMatching::compute_cell_intersection ( const Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const unsigned int  ,
const Mapping< 2, 2 > &  ,
const Mapping< 1, 2 > &  ,
const double   

◆ compute_cell_intersection() [3/5]

template Quadrature<2> dealii::NonMatching::compute_cell_intersection ( const Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const unsigned int  ,
const Mapping< 2, 2 > &  ,
const Mapping< 2, 2 > &  ,
const double   

◆ compute_cell_intersection() [4/5]

template Quadrature<3> dealii::NonMatching::compute_cell_intersection ( const Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const unsigned int  ,
const Mapping< 3, 3 > &  ,
const Mapping< 2, 3 > &  ,
const double   

◆ compute_cell_intersection() [5/5]

template Quadrature<3> dealii::NonMatching::compute_cell_intersection ( const Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator &  ,
const unsigned int  ,
const Mapping< 3, 3 > &  ,
const Mapping< 3, 3 > &  ,
const double   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections() [2/7]

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections ( const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 1 >>> &  intersections_info,
const DoFHandler< 1, 1 > &  space_dh,
const DoFHandler< 1, 1 > &  immersed_dh,
DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  constraints,
const ComponentMask space_comps,
const ComponentMask immersed_comps,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  immersed_constraint 

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections() [3/7]

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections ( const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>> &  intersections_info,
const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &  space_dh,
const DoFHandler< 1, 2 > &  immersed_dh,
DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  constraints,
const ComponentMask space_comps,
const ComponentMask immersed_comps,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  immersed_constraint 

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections() [4/7]

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections ( const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 1, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &  intersections_info,
const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &  space_dh,
const DoFHandler< 1, 3 > &  immersed_dh,
DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  constraints,
const ComponentMask space_comps,
const ComponentMask immersed_comps,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  immersed_constraint 

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections() [5/7]

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections ( const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>> &  intersections_info,
const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &  space_dh,
const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &  immersed_dh,
DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  constraints,
const ComponentMask space_comps,
const ComponentMask immersed_comps,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  immersed_constraint 

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections() [6/7]

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections ( const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &  intersections_info,
const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &  space_dh,
const DoFHandler< 2, 3 > &  immersed_dh,
DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  constraints,
const ComponentMask space_comps,
const ComponentMask immersed_comps,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  immersed_constraint 

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections() [7/7]

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections ( const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &  intersections_info,
const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &  space_dh,
const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &  immersed_dh,
DynamicSparsityPattern sparsity,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  constraints,
const ComponentMask space_comps,
const ComponentMask immersed_comps,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  immersed_constraint 

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 1, 2 > const &  ,
TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 3 > const &  ,
TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
TrilinosWrappers::SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3, SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 3 > const &  ,
SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2, SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 1, 1, 1, SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 1, 1, 1, SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 1 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 1 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 1 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 1, 1 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 1, 1 > const &  ,
SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 1, 3, SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 1, 3, SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 1, 3 > const &  ,
SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2, SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 2, 2 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 1, 2 > const &  ,
SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, SparsityPattern, double >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_coupling_sparsity_pattern_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3, SparsityPattern, double > ( std::vector< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>, std::allocator< std::tuple< Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>>> const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
DoFHandler< 3, 3 > const &  ,
SparsityPattern ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
ComponentMask const &  ,
AffineConstraints< double > const &   

◆ create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2 >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 2, 2, 2 > ( const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &  ,
const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>> &  ,
Vector< double > &  vector,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  ,
const Mapping< 2, 2 > &  ,
const Function< 2, double > &  ,
const Function< 2, double > &  ,
const double   

◆ create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2 >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 2, 1, 2 > ( const DoFHandler< 2, 2 > &  ,
const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 2, 2 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 1, 2 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 2 >>> &  ,
Vector< double > &  vector,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  ,
const Mapping< 2, 2 > &  ,
const Function< 2, double > &  ,
const Function< 2, double > &  ,
const double   

◆ create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3 >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 3, 3, 3 > ( const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &  ,
const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &  ,
Vector< double > &  vector,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  ,
const Mapping< 3, 3 > &  ,
const Function< 3, double > &  ,
const Function< 3, double > &  ,
const double   

◆ create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3 >()

template void dealii::NonMatching::create_nitsche_rhs_with_exact_intersections< 3, 2, 3 > ( const DoFHandler< 3, 3 > &  ,
const std::vector< std::tuple< typename Triangulation< 3, 3 >::cell_iterator, typename Triangulation< 2, 3 >::cell_iterator, Quadrature< 3 >>> &  ,
Vector< double > &  vector,
const AffineConstraints< double > &  ,
const Mapping< 3, 3 > &  ,
const Function< 3, double > &  ,
const Function< 3, double > &  ,
const double   