16 #ifndef pdes_serial_stokes_h
17 #define pdes_serial_stokes_h
95 output_results(
const unsigned cycle)
140 unsigned int console_level = 1;
std::vector< types::global_dof_index > dofs_per_block
Dofs per block.
ParsedTools::GridRefinement grid_refinement
ParsedConvergenceTable error_table
BlockSparseMatrix< double > system_matrix
ParsedTools::BoundaryConditions< dim > boundary_conditions
BlockVector< double > solution
ParsedTools::Function< dim > exact_solution
std::unique_ptr< Mapping< dim > > mapping
BlockSparsityPattern sparsity_pattern
const FEValuesExtractors::Vector velocity
BlockVector< double > system_rhs
Triangulation< dim > triangulation
const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar pressure
ParsedTools::FiniteElement< dim > finite_element
const std::string component_names
How we identify the component names.
DoFHandler< dim > dof_handler
ParsedLAC::InverseOperator inverse_operator
ParsedTools::Constants constants
ParsedLAC::AMGPreconditioner schur_preconditioner
ParsedTools::DataOut< dim > data_out
ParsedTools::GridGenerator< dim > grid_generator
ParsedLAC::AMGPreconditioner velocity_preconditioner
AffineConstraints< double > constraints
ParsedTools::Function< dim > forcing_term
A parsed AMG preconditioner which uses parameter files to choose between different options.
A factory that can generate inverse operators according to parameter files.
PDEs::Stokes< dim, LAC::LAdealii > Stokes
We collect in this namespace all PDEs that are relevant to Fluid Structure Interaction Problems.
void run(char **argv, const std::string &input_parameter_file, const std::string &output_parameter_file)
Setup parameters from the command line, and call the Class::run() method.