Fluid structure interaction suite
LAC Namespace Reference

Wrappers for linear algebra classes. More...


struct  LAdealii
 Serial linear algebra, natively defined in deal.II. More...
struct  LAPETSc
 Parallel linear algebra, using PETSc. More...
struct  LATrilinos
 Parallel linear algebra, using Trilinos. More...
class  BlockInitializer
 General class, used to initialize different types of block vectors, block atrices and block sparsity patterns using a common interface. More...
class  Initializer
 General class, used to initialize different types of block vectors, block atrices and block sparsity patterns using a common interface. More...

Detailed Description

Wrappers for linear algebra classes.

This collection of structs allows us to write codes that are independent on the linear algebra backend used.

The first class using this collection is the PDEs::LinearProblem class, that represents an abstract matrix based linear problem, and provides all boiler plate codes required for the assembly, solution, and post-processing of a general (multicomponent) linear problem, such as Poisson, LinearElasticity, or Stokes problem.