using | ScratchData = typename LinearProblem< dim, dim, LacType >::ScratchData |
using | CopyData = typename LinearProblem< dim, dim, LacType >::CopyData |
using | VectorType = typename LinearProblem< dim, dim, LacType >::VectorType |
using | ARKode = typename SUNDIALS::ARKode< typename LacType::BlockVector > |
| SUNDIALS time integrator. More...
using | Triangulation = typename std::conditional< dim==1, parallel::shared::Triangulation< dim, spacedim >, parallel::distributed::Triangulation< dim, spacedim > >::type |
| Make sure we can run also in 1d, where parallel distributed triangulations are not available, and we can only use parallel shared ones. More...
using | CopyData = MeshWorker::CopyData< 1, 1, 1 > |
| Default CopyData object, used in the WorkStream class. More...
using | ScratchData = MeshWorker::ScratchData< dim, spacedim > |
| Default ScratchData object, used in the workstream class. More...
using | BlockVectorType = typename LacType::BlockVector |
| Block vector type. More...
using | VectorType = typename BlockVectorType::BlockType |
| Vector type. More...
using | BlockMatrixType = typename LacType::BlockSparseMatrix |
| Block matrix type. More...
| Stokes () |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~Stokes ()=default |
| Destroy the Stokes object. More...
| LinearProblem (const std::string &component_names="u", const std::string &problem_name="") |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~LinearProblem ()=default |
| Virtual destructor. More...
virtual void | run () |
| Main entry point of the problem. More...
void | run_steady_state () |
| Solve a steady state problem. More...
void | run_quasi_static () |
| Solve a quasi static problem. More...
void | run_transient () |
| Solve a dynamic problem. More...
virtual void | setup_transient (ARKode &arkode) |
| Setup the transient problem. More...
virtual void | assemble_system_one_cell (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, ScratchData &scratch, CopyData ©) |
| Assemble the local system matrix on cell , using scratch for FEValues and other expensive scratch objects, and store the result in the copy object. More...
virtual void | copy_one_cell (const CopyData ©) |
| Distribute the data that has been assembled by assemble_system_on_cell() to the global matrix and rhs. More...
virtual void | estimate (Vector< float > &error_per_cell) const |
| Perform a posteriori error estimation, and store the results in the error_per_cell vector. More...
void | mark (const Vector< float > &error_per_cell) |
| According to the chosen strategy, mark some cells for refinement, possibily using the error_per_cell vector. More...
void | refine () |
| Refine the grid. More...
virtual void | setup_system () |
| Initial setup: distribute degrees of freedom, make all vectors and matrices of the right size, initialize functions and pointers. More...
virtual void | custom_estimator (Vector< float > &error_per_cell) const |
| Overload this function to use a custom error estimator in the mesh refinement process. More...
virtual void | assemble_system () |
| Actually loop over cells, and assemble the global system. More...
virtual void | output_results (const unsigned cycle) const |
| Output the solution and the grid in a format that can be read by Paraview or Visit. More...
virtual void | print_system_info () const |
| print some information about the current processes/mpi/ranks/etc. More...
| ParameterAcceptor (const std::string §ion_name="") |
unsigned int | get_acceptor_id () const |
virtual | ~ParameterAcceptor () override |
virtual void | declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) |
virtual void | parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) |
std::string | get_section_name () const |
std::vector< std::string > | get_section_path () const |
void | add_parameter (const std::string &entry, ParameterType ¶meter, const std::string &documentation="", ParameterHandler &prm_=prm, const Patterns::PatternBase &pattern=*Patterns::Tools::Convert< ParameterType >::to_pattern()) |
void | enter_subsection (const std::string &subsection) |
void | leave_subsection () |
void | enter_my_subsection (ParameterHandler &prm) |
void | leave_my_subsection (ParameterHandler &prm) |
void | serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) |
void | subscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const |
void | unsubscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const |
unsigned int | n_subscriptions () const |
void | list_subscribers (StreamType &stream) const |
void | list_subscribers () const |
void | subscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const |
void | unsubscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const |
unsigned int | n_subscriptions () const |
void | list_subscribers (StreamType &stream) const |
void | list_subscribers () const |
| Subscriptor () |
| Subscriptor (const Subscriptor &) |
| Subscriptor (Subscriptor &&) noexcept |
virtual | ~Subscriptor () |
Subscriptor & | operator= (const Subscriptor &) |
Subscriptor & | operator= (Subscriptor &&) noexcept |
void | serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) |
void | subscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const |
void | unsubscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const |
unsigned int | n_subscriptions () const |
void | list_subscribers (StreamType &stream) const |
void | list_subscribers () const |
void | subscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const |
void | unsubscribe (std::atomic< bool > *const validity, const std::string &identifier="") const |
unsigned int | n_subscriptions () const |
void | list_subscribers (StreamType &stream) const |
void | list_subscribers () const |
static void | initialize (const std::string &filename="", const std::string &output_filename="", const ParameterHandler::OutputStyle output_style_for_output_filename=ParameterHandler::Short, ParameterHandler &prm=ParameterAcceptor::prm, const ParameterHandler::OutputStyle output_style_for_filename=ParameterHandler::DefaultStyle) |
static void | initialize (std::istream &input_stream, ParameterHandler &prm=ParameterAcceptor::prm) |
static void | clear () |
static void | parse_all_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm=ParameterAcceptor::prm) |
static void | declare_all_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm=ParameterAcceptor::prm) |
static ::ExceptionBase & | ExcInUse (int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3) |
static ::ExceptionBase & | ExcNoSubscriber (std::string arg1, std::string arg2) |
static ::ExceptionBase & | ExcInUse (int arg1, std::string arg2, std::string arg3) |
static ::ExceptionBase & | ExcNoSubscriber (std::string arg1, std::string arg2) |
boost::signals2::signal< void()> | check_consistency_call_back |
| Check consistency of the problem. More...
boost::signals2::signal< void()> | add_constraints_call_back |
| A signal that is called at the end of setup_system() More...
boost::signals2::signal< void()> | setup_system_call_back |
| A signal that is called at the end of setup_system() More...
boost::signals2::signal< void()> | output_results_call_back |
| A signal that is called at the end of output_results() More...
boost::signals2::signal< void()> | assemble_system_call_back |
| A signal that is called at the end of assemble_system() More...
boost::signals2::signal< void(ParsedTools::DataOut< dim, spacedim > &)> | add_data_vector |
| Connect to this signal to add data additional vectors to the output system. More...
boost::signals2::signal< void(const double &time, const double &time_step, const unsigned int &time_step_number)> | advance_time_call_back |
| Connect to this signal to receive time information. More...
const std::string | component_names |
| Comma seperated names of components. More...
const unsigned int | n_components |
| Number of components. More...
const std::string | problem_name |
| Name of the problem to solve. More...
const std::string | section_name |
| Name of the section to use within the parameter file. More...
MPI_Comm | mpi_communicator |
| Global mpi communicator. More...
const unsigned int | mpi_rank |
| The mpi rank of this process. More...
const unsigned int | mpi_size |
| The number of mpi processes. More...
int | number_of_threads |
| Number of threads to use for multi-threaded assembly. More...
unsigned int | verbosity_level |
| Verbosity level of deallog. More...
ConditionalOStream | pcout |
| Output stream, only active on process 0. More...
TimerOutput | timer |
| Timing information. More...
EvolutionType | evolution_type |
| Describe the type of time evolution of the problem. More...
ParsedTools::GridGenerator< dim, spacedim > | grid_generator |
| A wrapper around GridIn, GridOut, and GridGenerator namespace. More...
ParsedTools::GridRefinement | grid_refinement |
| Grid refinement and error estimation. More...
Triangulation | triangulation |
| The problem triangulation. More...
ParsedTools::FiniteElement< dim, spacedim > | finite_element |
| A wrapper around deal.II FiniteElement classes. More...
std::unique_ptr< Mapping< dim, spacedim > > | mapping |
| The Mapping between reference and real elements. More...
Quadrature< dim > | cell_quadrature |
| A quadrature used for cell integration. More...
Quadrature< dim - 1 > | face_quadrature |
| A quadrature used for face integration. More...
DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > | dof_handler |
| Handler of degrees of freedom. More...
AffineConstraints< double > | constraints |
| Hanging nodes and essential boundary conditions. More...
std::vector< types::global_dof_index > | dofs_per_block |
| Dofs per block. More...
std::vector< IndexSet > | locally_owned_dofs |
| All degrees of freedom owned by this MPI process. More...
std::vector< IndexSet > | locally_relevant_dofs |
| All degrees of freedom needed for output and error estimation. More...
LacType::BlockSparsityPattern | sparsity |
| System sparsity pattern. More...
LacType::BlockSparseMatrix | matrix |
| System matrix. More...
LacType::BlockSparseMatrix | mass_matrix |
| System matrix. More...
LacType::BlockVector | locally_relevant_solution |
| A read only copy of the solution vector used for output and error estimation. More...
LacType::BlockVector | solution |
| Solution vector. More...
LacType::BlockVector | rhs |
| The system right hand side. More...
Vector< float > | error_per_cell |
| Storage for local error estimator. More...
ParsedLAC::InverseOperator | inverse_operator |
| Inverse operator. More...
LacType::AMG | preconditioner |
| Preconditioner. More...
ParsedLAC::InverseOperator | mass_inverse_operator |
| Inverse operator for the mass matrix. More...
LacType::AMG | mass_preconditioner |
| Preconditioner for the mass matrix. More...
ParsedTools::Function< spacedim > | forcing_term |
| The actual function to use as a forcing term. More...
ParsedTools::Function< spacedim > | exact_solution |
| The actual function to use as a exact solution when computing the errors. More...
ParsedTools::Function< spacedim > | initial_value |
| Only used for transient problems. More...
ParsedTools::BoundaryConditions< spacedim > | boundary_conditions |
| Boundary conditions used in this class. More...
ParsedTools::ConvergenceTable | error_table |
| This is a wrapper around the ParsedConvergenceTable class, that allows you to specify what error to computes, and how to compute them. More...
ParsedTools::DataOut< dim, spacedim > | data_out |
| Wrapper around the DataOut class. More...
double | start_time |
| Initial time for transient and quasi stati simulations. More...
double | end_time |
| Final time for transient and quasi-static simulations. More...
double | desired_start_step_size |
| Initial step size for transient and quasi-static simulations. More...
unsigned int | output_frequency |
| How often to output the solution. More...
ParsedTools::Proxy< typename SUNDIALS::ARKode< typename LacType::BlockVector >::AdditionalData > | ark_ode_data |
| Configuration used to setup transient simulations. More...
boost::signals2::signal< void(ARKode &)> | setup_arkode_call_back |
| Signal that is triggered after creating the arkode object. More...
boost::signals2::signal< void()> | declare_parameters_call_back |
boost::signals2::signal< void()> | parse_parameters_call_back |
static constexpr bool | lac_is_dealii |
| True if we are using deal.II Linear Algebra Classes. More...
static constexpr bool | lac_is_petsc |
| True if we are using PETSc Linear Algebra Classes. More...
static constexpr bool | lac_is_trilinos |
| True if we are using Trilinos Linear Algebra Classes. More...
static ParameterHandler | prm |
template<int dim, class LacType>
class PDEs::Stokes< dim, LacType >
Solve the Stokes problem, in parallel.
Definition at line 32 of file stokes.h.